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Welcome to Jwiz Profile!

Dating is often a struggle for both men and women. The process of meeting up, learning about each other and seeing if you are compatible can be draining, but it is a timeless tradition across many societies. In Jewish tradition, this process is known as shidduch. In shidduch, it is forbidden for a man to marry a woman without her consent and a woman cannot be married until she is mature enough to make the decision herself. Here at JWiz Profile we are highlighting this process of dating as a celebration to an ancient Jewish tradition, as well as to provide advice to youths seeking relationship compatibility.

Who are we?

We are the largest Jewish Media company in the United States based in New York and have interacted with many people in the Jewish community young and old, from large businesses to small family run operations. The variety of people we’ve interacted with has given us a unique perspective on many matters including dating. We provide businesses with advertisements, sales, web design and hosting and online classified posting using our large platform. If you want to know more about us please visit our website at

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